Saturday, January 10, 2009

Roses, Plants That Bring Color And Fun To Your Landscape

Roses are one plant that many gardeners will be attracted to. Small roses to large blooming bouquets are the fruits of our hard work when it comes to the rose garden. In this writing piece, you will learn more about the different types of roses, bushes, shrubs, and miniature roses so you can take your choice of what fascinates you the most in the garden.

Rose shrubs are more common in areas where gardens are larger and you have a larger landscape to work with. Most types of rose shrubs will give you a low growing but thick and green leafy setting that will blend into the other portions of your landscape. During the season when roses bloom, color is added to your landscape along with a fresh scent of the flowers. One of the best low growing rose shrubs is the Carefree Beauty, and another is the Bonica. The tallest of these shrubs will grow is to be about four feet tall.

Roses in the gardens that have already been established that you have inherited or moved into are most likely some of the oldest types of roses that have been planted. Popular old world lovely roses are the types that you can picture in books. They are used for bouquets and arrangements.

Looking at groups of flowers such as Alba, Moss, Bourbon, and the Centifolia. You will find the colors and shapes of roses that fit your memories of a garden gone past. Many roses have evolved into other colors, and shapes, being cross bread with other varieties but true roses take on a life of their own in your garden without a lot of hard work.

Old type roses such as those mentioned above are also the hardiest type of roses as they have been growing in the garden for many years, so they are established and rooted the right way.

Miniature roses are a type that will grow to be about two feet tall. This is a low type of growing plant that will produce various numbers of flowers but will not become overwhelming in the small garden area. Miniature roses and miniature roses bushes can be grown easily in containers so that you can move them around your garden.

When you are planting any type of roses in your gardens you should be sure to pick up and area that will receive at least six hours of sunlight a day. Roses and the leaves on the rose bushes need at least this amount to keep black rot and fungus from starting on the fragile plants.

Roses do perform best in an area that has a good breeze. Roses that are planted directly up against a house or barn are going to require some type of air movement for the best production of flowers and for spontaneous growth.

Roses will need some amount of balance in the soil. A PH level of anywhere between a 6 and 6.5 is going to be the best solution for your roses. The soil that has too much alkaline or too much acid is going to overwhelm the rose bush preventing them from absorbing any of the needed nutrients for them to survive nicely in your garden.

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