Saturday, January 3, 2009

Caring For Orchids - How Difficult Can it Be?

We know that caring for orchids is no mean feat and to ensure that our plants are vibrant and healthy we must look after its basic needs. Orchids are delicate plants but with a little loving care, plenty of time and the right knowledge you can become an expert at caring for orchids. The first thing you must ask is where are you going to grow these plants? The location is of paramount importance in caring for orchids as all the other factors. There are three options here, the first is indoors, second is in a greenhouse, and third is outdoors. We will now consider the pros and cons in each case.

Starting with indoors, despite the air conditioner and the furnace causing the air inside the house to lose moisture, you can grow orchids here. The actual challenge is not in making the plants survive but in caring for orchids to allow them to bloom. The pretty flowers brighten up any drab room that they might be in. The gentle perfumes, associated with quite a few of the species, are an added plus.

Examine the room in which you plan to keep the orchid. Does it have a window or a bright light that will help in caring for orchids? Remember the plant does not need direct sunlight so even a fluorescent light can be used to simulate ideal light conditions. The temperature should hover around the 60 degree F mark. In caring for orchids, remember that it should not be too hot or too cold. If you do take the plant out in the day time remember to bring it back into the house at sunset before the temperature dips. To provide the correct amount of humidity and moisture you should place the pot in a gravel tray and keep the gravel moist with half an inch of water in it. Also don't be afraid to open out the windows when the weather is nice and warm. Air circulation also lays a crucial part in caring for orchids. If you are planning to grow your orchids indoors or on a window sill you should pick up one of these variants Moth Orchids or Lady Slippers.

Let us move on to the next location, that of the greenhouse. Maintaining the right temperatures, humidity, light and water conditions is much simpler in an organized greenhouse. The key feature to remember in a green house, while caring for orchids, is that a fifteen degree difference in night and day time temperatures must be maintained. If they are kept in the open to get good air circulation, make sure that they get plenty of water to make up for the evaporation. In the warmer season you might have to water them even twice a week. Remember to shade the light for the species that cannot thrive in bright light. You can choose to grow just about any species of orchids that man can cultivate in a proper green house.

This brings us to the last location, outdoors. A damp area with a temperate climate is what you will need to ensure when caring for orchids in the garden. They might attach themselves to trees and you can plant them in the ground instead of pots as well. Though having them in pots makes it easier for you to shift them when needed. During the peak winters it would be advisable to take them into warmer areas such as a garage or even into the living room.

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