There are as many definitions of organic as well as farmers in Iowa. That's up to you to choose your level of purity and focus. You May choose to be absolutely chemical-free or to accept some level of commercial intervention. Much will depend on your spare time as well as their willingness to get down and dirty with the gross and smelly.
All organic intervention in your life is better than nothing, so that the information that suits your needs and begin. Who knows? This is the first step into the world of independent gardening may free enough to catapult you into full-feathers of organic agriculture at its best.
considered to be one man's trash is another man's treasure. For organic purists composting is almost canon, although not absolutely necessary for organic gardening. Since it is messy and aromatic, a May choose to purchase composted soil or products already composted rather than learn this centuries-old methods.
The process of composting is the science of decomposition in controlled conditions, such as a large garbage can, 5 ft. x 5 ft. hole in the ground, or buy an expensive drum that turns automatically. It provides a faster process of breaking down formerly living matter into enriched soil and nutrients that are perfect for the health of your vrta.Komposta gardener does all possible to recycle appropriate wastes of any living matter, along with a healthy supply of bacteria (purchased or naturally available in the soil of hard work and time .)
for compost use and accumulate all fruit, vegetables and grain scraps throughout the year. Yes, it takes time and can not produce WC de Parfum that tickles your nose, but you will reap the benefits of fruit and vegetables that are packed full of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Recycling left-over food waste, leaves, grass and hay is in the heart of organic gardening at best and well worth the effort.
Compost must be turned faithfully stvar.Kisik oxygen is needed to heat and break down food into nutrients and soil in a timely manner. Without the oxygen that is provided so that the material will have to take its natural time for change in the soil. Although this is acceptable, many gardeners want to use recycled waste for the next six months and are willing to put in a fortnight of turning compost. Some May drum roll of "brown gold" around the yard, while others May enjoy turning it by hand with the fairies.
Without fertilizing additives (natural or chemical), plants will be slow and unhealthy. Organic gardeners can use compost to increase the nutrients in the soil to improve texture and good bacteria, but most do not fully replace the compost fertilizer additives. Cynthia Boruff, a gardener of fifty years, told us that she annually adds to her garden:. Compost, chicken manure, alfalfa tea (after the plants are at least six inches tall), and its special formula for fertilizer
"As we do not rely on commercial chemical fertilizers, and vary my organic methods to ensure a wider range of nutrients," says Cynthia. "My formula, which replaces purchased fertilizer is a combination of blood meal, bone meal and dolomite (or agriculture lime) in equal proportions. I mix it into the ground at the time the young seedlings or planting seeds. It was never me, not yet! My corn is the largest in the county and my vegetables are rewarded ."
gardens that do not use chemical fertilizers or crop rotation practices - a common technique to lessen the amount of fertilizer needed. This will help to prevent depletion of nutrients specific to individual species of plants turning vegetable beds or rows. As an example, organic gardeners will plant carrots in a red one year and plant different vegetable in that spot next season. Since different plants require different amounts of key nutrients, the soil will be depleted and less organic fertilizer is needed.
Seed Selection
Depending on the definition of "organic," May you choose to buy seed from a universal standard seed catalog or from an organic seed farm. The differences vary from multi-generational hybrids and genetically modified plants / seeds at one end of the spectrum for the legacy and heritage seeds with others.
the organic purists only buy foreign religious heritage seeds, because this seed has little changed over the decades, sometimes centuries. Pure high-protein grain seeds used Anazasi survived in tact these past centuries, and have made generation to generation for hundreds of years. Heritage farm kept clean beans and seeds offered by catalog kupnje.Isto applies to beans variety that the Pilgrims brought Mayflower.Katalozi usually boast seventy-five to one hundred different plant seeds, sometimes with very interesting history.
heirloom seed catalogs are available online, but it's more fun to collect seeds or catalogs from other organic gardeners or heritage seed club members. After the seed has been acquired, it is necessary to learn how to harvest and store seeds properly maintain quality control for the next season and to protect the purity of seed heritage. Although it is interesting to think about the whole garden just the heritage of plants, gardeners May find themselves disappointed the final product. Science without hybridizing, some historic products may be small or not as tasty.
Winifred Meidinger, 90-year-old gardener, collects her heritage seeds each year for the next planting season. She especially loves tomatoes and zucchini that are passed generation to generation in the last hundred years. Ms. Meidinger enjoys the taste and texture of its products and has a sense of pride knowing she is one of the few gardeners keeps the heritage of philosophy. Many believe that it is fascinating to keep in touch with the past, using the same seeds the pioneers used -. Unadulterated by modern science
heritage seeds are absolutely organic, but not all organic seeds are "legacy". Organic seeds are not genetically modified and chemically treated before buying. Most organic farmers purchase mainly from organic seed catalogs. But they will also buy seeds from standard catalogs if this is the best way to get the desired taste or texture of a fruit.
standard seed, out of the store and most catalogs, often powdered with chemicals to prevent mold or mildew and to defend against decay into the soil before germination. While there are organic methods that do the same security measures without chemicals, few gardeners know the techniques for protection of seeds. These methods should be researched in organic farming books and magazines. Such approaches include planting in paper towels, or how to properly collect and dry seeds.
bruised Knuckles
benefits of organic gardening far out weigh the work load. However, time down in the dirt is far greater than conventional chemical garden. It takes time picking bugs off plants, the time of placing jars of natural attractants and boards on moist ground to trick insects into captivity, hours of fertilizers and teas into the soil - all this instead of simple chemical popraviti.Prednost the health of chemical-free products for you and your family as well as physical and spiritual balance in daily physical exercise required to nurture your garden.
In recent years knowledge of organic gardening was handed down from generation to generation, as well as fit in the basket and tricks to make the job easier. Today, the risk for good produce the first season or two if you are starting an organic farmer - if the mentor is nearby to offer helpful advice. However, there are hundreds of books, articles and Internet resources to a new gardener to become successful. Even that takes time, though.
Organic farming is a noble pursuit that requires perseverance. This resolve will remind you of your ancestors and your past each time you pick up a handful of composted soil or to preserve heritage seeds. This will keep looking to the future - jumping over and around present-day problems - the seeds that you buy products that will be raised, new recipes and uses you to cook. To do this, you will not mind a few scratches, aching back, or bruised joints. It will all be worth it because philosophically, it is a place where you want to be.